Data Protection for Business


AND deepen customer trust while shortening the sales cycle by 35% or more

AND deepen customer trust while shortening the sales cycle by 35% or more

Your contact information will never be shared, sold, or misused. We (obviously) take privacy very seriously.

Fact: Responsible Data Security and Privacy Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Boldly Innovate

As you know, actionable data is the lifeblood of every business. The people who provide you their personal information give you their trust and expect respect and security. Growing your business requires you to have nimble data management and protection – this means effective data privacy and security.

Too many data privacy and information security programs just “check the box;” they focus only on compliance and force you to implement complicated, expensive systems and processes. I get tired just thinking about it—you probably do, too.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • Tired of shelling out dough for expensive consulting and law firms
  • Head buried in the sand like an ostrich thinking you won’t get hacked
  • Knowing you should start, but having zero clue where or how
  • Needing to complete information security and data privacy questionnaires (like CCPA and GDPR)
  • Grabbed IT security policies off the web but haven’t actually implemented them

At the end of the day, it just feels like a confusing mass of details, rules, and policies.

Let me tell you: it’s not. Not if you do it right.

We created reThink Privacy to solve this exact problem for business leaders like you. You get an operational data protection program for you and your team – covering data privacy and security – in 90 days. And, we build trust, look for ways to say “yes” to business innovation, and using data responsibly while meeting legal requirements. We’ve baked in considerations for where and how to harmonize your compliance without giving up your competitive position.

No outrageous expenses, dizzying sets of rules, or infuriating red tape. Instead, we work with you to get the job done efficiently, correctly, and for far less than you’re expecting.

Find out more about our “done with you” data protection program and explore how we might be a good fit for each other.

Level up Your Data Protection. Now.

Where to start? Download our 5-minute assessment to quickly highlight your most pressing areas. Then give us a call for a free consult and we’ll talk it through and give you actionable advice. You can count on straight talk from a seasoned data privacy practitioner and “Big 4” consulting veteran.

Bring Data Security to your Inbox

Your contact information will never be shared, sold, or misused. We (obviously) take privacy very seriously.

Let's Find Your Privacy Blind Spots

Get your data protection health check to see where you are. Take our quiz and then let’s jump on a call together. We will walk through what you have and what you are missing and create your game plan—on the house.

Download our Free Resource Pack!

Your information will never be shared, sold, or misused.
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