DataProtection DynamiX™ CORE - Choose the program that fits your needs and budget
Enjoy full access to ONLINE LESSONS so you and two additional team members can implement at your own pace
Monthly Zoom WORKING SESSION on one of twelve core modules so can implement faster and more effectively
Monthly DATA PROTECTION DEEP DIVE MEETING so you can ask Nalini any business-related question
Enrollment: US $5,000
Monthly: US $750
Includes ESSENTIAL and:
Weekly Zoom WORKING SESSIONS for personal advice and you can implement faster and more effectively
Dedicated 1:1 INSTRUCTOR that you can privately message 24/7
CLIENT COMMUNITY CENTER for collaboration with other DataProtection DynamiX™
Access to our Q&A and WORKING SESSION LIBRARY searchable by topic
Enrollment: US $5,000
Monthly: US $2,750
Includes EXTRA and:
CUSTOMIZED ROADMAP & DONE WITH YOU IMPLEMENTATION in waves of 30-Day Micro Projects for your team
Weekly ONE ON ONE CALL with your dedicated instructor so you can stay on track and motivated to implement faster and in a even more tailored way
Enrollment: US $5,000
Monthly: US $15,000
Your signup investment and first month's membership payment will be collected when you enroll (Day 1), subject to our 30-day Risk Free Test Drive guarantee. Monthly membership subscription payments continue on Day 31 and every subsequent 30 days.
Unsure which option is best for you and your company? Go to and schedule your meeting.
"Nalini and is my go-to resource for actionable trust-building and digital security advice. Skip building a robust risk management program at your own peril!"
- Jesse hopps, CEo & Founder of demand metric
Frequently Asked Questions
I created DataProtection DynamiX™ for growing businesses, especially those which have attained at least $5 million in annual revenues and typically have 10 or more staff. If you are generating between $5 million and $75 million in annual revenues and are looking to begin or increase selling 6 and 7-figure deals into enterprise / global companies, then DataProtection DynamiX™ is tailored to you.
DataProtection DynamiX™ is not suitable for the highly regulated industries of healthcare or financial services.
The net net: You get to enjoy a predicable way of closing and winning more sales AND keep your customers while addressing the inevitable data risks that growing businesses have.
Once you have the system in place, you can leave your office Friday afternoon to join your family on vacation for a couple of weeks, feeling confident and happy...because you know that your team and business are prepared to face whatever comes up and they are closing bigger deals faster and more easily than imaginable.
You can take a full-fledged month long test drive to make sure DataProtection DynamiX™ is exactly what you need and want for your business. So enroll in the program and take a good look around at all the material. Explore as much as you like - you will have full access to your training modules and live working sessions from Day One.
If you change your mind for any reason within 30 days of enrolling, simple email me at nalini [at] (and please CC help [at] and we'll immediately cancel your membership, no questions asked. We'll refund every penny of your investment and we will thank you for taking the time to try DataProtection DynamiX™.
If you can commit 8 - 12 hours per week, then you should be able to set up your platofrm so that you complete IT security and privacy questionnaires in or around 90 days. If you have some IT security in place - documented and test controls - then you can turn the questionnaires around in less time. Bear in mind that most smaller companies don't really have an IT security or privacy program and need to build one.
But if you need to go slower than spending 8 hours per week, no problem! YourDataProtection DynamiX™ CORE membership subscription will keep you covered for as long as you want, so that you can take it at your own pace.
To be clear, DataProtection DynamiX™ takes time and effort to implement. Think of it like a Boeing 787 Dreamliner taking off from a runway. It takes a lot of energy to get that plane into the air, but once it’s up there, the pilot can switch on cruise mode and it takes much less energy to keep the plane flying.
Likewise, it takes time and energy to implement the DataProtection DynamiX™ CORE system in your business and get it up and running. But once you have it in place, you get to (mostly) sit back and cruise while you enjoy booking higher-ticket sales in record turnaround time, as well as benefiting from solid working data security. (At that point, we think you’ll agree the effort was worth it!)
You and your team will be implementing three systems into you business: the CONTEXT System, the CONTROL System and the CONNECTION System.
The CONTEXT system will provide an orientation and compass aligned with your business strategy. Specifics include repeatable processes for identifying your data risks, understanding your risk tolerance and privacy stance and options for building and expanding your data protection. You will also complete your compliance assessment and implementation roadmap which you will use when you are asked to complete security and privacy questionnaires from prospective and current clients/customers.
The CONTROL System will form a foundational IT security and privacy capability. Think of it as building blocks that build your prospective and current customers' trust. Key areas include data mapping and getting crystal clear on what data you hold and your legal basis for having and processing the data, ways to manage your software providers and creating data processing agreements for your vendors and customers. This is also the system that helps you train your whole team (staff and contractors) on data protection.
The CONNECTION system is where you leverage CONTEXT and CONTROL and focus on taking exquisite care of your prospective and current customers' data and fulfilling data requests and differentiating your business by demonstrable privacy and security by design. All in the service of deepening relationships. Key elements include sane consent management, real time compliance reports (that you can send to prospective customers, an up to date privacy notice and data request system.
You’ll study online training modules that guide you through how to implement the DataProtection DynamiX™ CONTEXT, CONTROL and CONNECTION systems. Each module is broken down into a series of small steps, complete with guides, checklists, templates, samples and examples. (I’ve invested over five years and thousands of hours with online training program experts to make all of this stuff easier, simpler and faster to learn and implement than ever before!)
Every week, you’ll be invited to attend a live Implementation Support Session (via web conferencing) with a DataProtection DynamiX™ instructor to help you implement what you’ve been learning in the online training modules. These group support calls are hands-on question and answer sessions that can also include reviews of your work. I facilitate these session personally most weeks to keep up with everybody’s progress and offer extra advice.
If you opt for Extra or Elite membership, you’ll also have a dedicated 24/7 DataProtection DynamiX™ coach and access to our Client Community Center (via a private forum) to accelerate your progress in between Implementation Support Sessions.
The enrollment fee covers the initial assessment and configation work we do in partnership with you. It also includes the first year's license of our custom DataProtection Dynamix method cloud-based platform, PrivIQ-DPDx.
Yes! Included in all membership levels is a one-year license to PRivIQ-DPDx. This platform comes pre-loaded with DataProtection DynamiX™ templates and tools for your data protection program. These include a starter set of governance policies and compliance checklists, step-by-step wizards for data mapping, impact assessments, data subject requests, incident response and more.
For companies requiring consent management, there is an add-on license available for purchase. The license cost depends on the number of consents collected and managed. Email us at help [at] to set up a time to talk through your consent management needs.
Yes, you can keep using the app after the first year by paying an annual fee for the license. We have several options - all include an integrated data protection platform and we would delighted to handle your renewal(s). As your business grows and you enter different markets, we have data protection software to meet those needs.
If you are looking for a data protection app without the CORE program, we do have several versions of a data protection platform available for purchase. Please email us at help [at] for more information.
We also offer comprehensive, affordable (and entertaining) data privacy and cybersecurity awareness and implementation training for company employees. You can find out about our training options on this site: Go to the Home Page and click Learn With Us / Training.
DataProtection DynamiX™ CORE is not a “Do It Yourself” program, it’s a “Done With You” program. And it’s also not a training program, it’s an implementation program. I teach you "how to fish" and support you as you "learn how to fish" for yourself.
That’s a world of difference, because while training programs can equip you with the know-how, only implementation gets the data protection systems embedded into your business so you get tangible results.
We’ve created three different levels of ongoing implementation support, so you can choose the level that works best for you, your organization, and your budget:
DataProtection DynamiX™ CORE Essential is designed to suit businesses with budget limitations, or those that are content with a moderate speed of progress. You’ll get all of theDataProtection DynamiX™ CORE training modules, plus access to our monthly live group Working Sessions where you can ask questions and have your progress reviewed to help you stay on track for success.
DataProtection DynamiX™ CORE Extra is best suited to businesses that are ready to grow and scale more quickly. You’ll get all of the DataProtection DynamiX™ CORE training modules and weekly Implementation Working Sessions, plus a dedicated DataProtection DynamiX™ CORE coach and access to our Client Community Center to accelerate your progress in between Working Sessions. In the Client Community Center, you can direct message your dedicated coach or any other DataProtection DynamiX™ trainer — including me — as well as accessing live event replays and connecting with other DataProtection DynamiX™ CORE clients for discussions, mutual support, profitable joint ventures, and other business activities.
DataProtection DynamiX™ CORE Elite is perfect for businesses looking to maximize growth and build out their data protection FAST, while minimizing time spent on compliance. This level gives you everything in the Essential and Extra levels, plus a customized road map, dedicated project management and data practitioner for your implementation. And that is not all! You also get a 60-minute private, one-on-one video call each week with me to ensure that your priorities are in line with your goals, your next steps are clear, and you’re always working smarter, not harder.
No matter which membership level you choose, I’ll also give you my personal phone number. I’m happy for you to have it — and with the amount of support you get in this program, you’ll almost certainly never need to call me for help!
Enjoy full access to ONLINE LESSONS so you and two additional team members can implement at your own pace
Monthly Zoom WORKING SESSION on one of twelve core modules so can implement faster and more effectively
Monthly DATA PROTECTION DEEP DIVE MEETING so you can ask Nalini any business-related question
Enrollment: US $5,000
Monthly: US $750
Includes ESSENTIAL and:
Weekly Zoom WORKING SESSIONS for personal advice and you can implement faster and more effectively
Dedicated 1:1 INSTRUCTOR that you can privately message 24/7
CLIENT COMMUNITY CENTER for collaboration with other DataProtection DynamiX™
Access to our Q&A and WORKING SESSION LIBRARY searchable by topic
Enrollment: US $5,000
Monthly: US $2,750
Includes EXTRA and:
CUSTOMIZED ROADMAP & DONE WITH YOU IMPLEMENTATION in waves of 30-Day Micro Projects for your team
Weekly ONE ON ONE CALL with your dedicated instructor so you can stay on track and motivated to implement faster and in a even more tailored way
Enrollment: US $5,000
Monthly: US $15,000
Your signup investment and first month's membership payment will be collected when you enroll (Day 1), subject to our 30-day Risk Free Test Drive guarantee. Monthly membership subscription payments continue on Day 31 and every subsequent 30 days.
Unsure which option is best for you and your company? Go to and schedule your meeting.